Relationship / Network Building Competency
Relationship/Network Building
Builds and maintains effective and constructive working relationships, partnerships or networks of contacts with people who are, or might someday be, instrumental in achieving work-related goals.
Behaviours include:
• Maintaining current working relationships
• Creating new working relationships
• Networking to address future issues
• Strategically expanding network
PMC Open Enrollment Workshops addressing this competency:
Advanced Business Writing
Advanced Presentation Skills
Assertiveness and Conflict Resolution
Business Writing for Impact and Influence
Communicating for Results
Dealing with Difficult Behaviours
Delegation Skills for the Workplace
Effective Communication Using the Power of Applied Improvisation
Effective Meeting and Event Planning
Financial Planning for Retirement
GBA Plus: Get the Data Toolbox
How Ottawa Works
Leading with Influence, Not Authority
Life Planning for Retirement
Making the Transition from Co-Worker to Team Leader
Management Skills for Administrative Professionals
Managing for Superior Results I: The Fundamentals of Supervision
Personal Effectiveness through Emotional Intelligence – EQ1
Personal Effectiveness through Emotional Intelligence – EQ2
Powerful Coaching Skills: How to Create a High Performing Team
Powerful Negotiation Skills
Practical Finance for Non-Financial Managers
Skills for Effective Presentations
Techniques for the Occasional Trainer
The Outstanding Administrative Assistant
Thriving Under Different Leadership Styles
Using Positive Influencing Skills in the Workplace
Women’s Transformational Leadership Certificate Program