Negotiating Techniques Competency

Negotiating Techniques
Understanding and applying the principles, practices and techniques related to negotiation, with external and internal clients/personnel/stakeholders.

Behaviours include:
• Devising and executing negotiating strategies
• Cooperating toward satisfactory solutions to the extent possible, given existing policies, laws, etc.

PMC Open Enrollment Workshops addressing this competency:
Assertiveness and Conflict Resolution
Business Writing for Impact and Influence
Communicating for Results
Dealing with Difficult Behaviours
Developing Workplace Resilience for Top Performers
Integrated Risk Management
Personal Effectiveness through Emotional Intelligence – EQ1
Personal Effectiveness through Emotional Intelligence – EQ2
Powerful Coaching Skills: How to Create a High Performing Team
Powerful Negotiation Skills
Thriving Under Different Leadership Styles
Using Positive Influencing Skills in the Workplace
Women’s Transformational Leadership Certificate Program

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