Organization development

6 workshops found

This category of PMC workshops will help you improve your organization’s capability through the alignment of strategy, structure, people, rewards, metrics, and management processes. Use the filter tools above to refine by type, format, duration of workshops, or search by keyword.

Organization development

Organization development
Developing and Implementing a Sustainable Performance Framework
This two-day workshop is designed to provide you with tools, templates and a lexicon for developing and implementing a performance measurement framework that is used to support planning, priority setting and investment decisions. Through robust and useful results framework and performance information profiles, you’ll learn techniques for supporting the Government’s Results and Delivery Agenda.
Duration: 2 days (12h)
Organization development
Environmental Sustainability: A Practical Approach to Greening Your Organization
Environmental Management Systems (EMS) involve a set of processes and practices that enable an organization to reduce its environmental impacts and increase its operating efficiency. A well-designed EMS can help an organization address its regulatory demands in a systematic manner, thereby reducing the risk of non-compliance. An EMS can also help address non-regulated issues such as pollution prevention, odour management, water usage and energy conservation. In this one-day course participants will learn about EMS and how it can benefit their organization. Through the use of a Case Study and information they bring about their own organization, participants will leave with a draft EMS for their organization. It will include organizational Environmental Aspect and Impacts and Objectives and Targets for their organization’s significant environmental impacts.
Duration: 1 day (6h)
Organization development
Work Simplification
Our lives are becoming ever more complex. We seem to have more to do and never enough time to do it all. We have practically unlimited real time connectivity, and an expectation that we are contactable 24/7. Much of what is put in place to make our work environment better actually has the opposite effect and adds even more complexity to our workday: Endless initiatives to help us do more with less IT systems that we need to spend time learning how to use, before they will help us Policies, procedures, regulations and legislation to keep us safe, secure and consistent We find ourselves making more decisions, about more things, with not a lack of information, but with too much information. Emails, news feeds, updates, phone calls, interruptions, the need to search for files, facts and information, and meetings, all contribute to the complexity of our work life. With all of this, how much of our day is truly productive? What can we do? The answer, while it may seem counter-intuitive, is simplification. Do less to achieve more, slow down to go faster. This workshop will be highly practical. It will involve drawing on experiences, issues and positive examples from your place of work. You will build your own personal 8-point action plan that you take away and start to work with immediately. The techniques we will cover in this workshop are equally applicable in your home and work environments.
Duration: 2 days (12h)
Organization development
Lean Process Improvement
Lean principles have come a long way over the past 300 years. From Benjamin Franklin’s early ideas, to Henry Ford’s work in the 1920’s and the Toyoda precepts in the 1930’s, to Jeffery Liker’s publication of The Toyota Way in 2004, Lean processes have evolved from a simple concept to a set of widely used best practices. This two-day course will give participants the foundation to begin implementing Lean process improvement tools in their workplace. The first day will explore the foundations of Lean through the Toyota precepts and the five critical improvement concepts (value, waste, variation, complexity, and continuous improvement). The second day will give participants tools to perform continuous improvement in their organization, including 5S, 5W-2H, PDSA, DMAIC, Kaizen, Genchi Genbutsu, and various Lean data mapping methods.
Duration: 2 days (12h)
Organization development
Clarity on Values and Needs
Organizations perform at their peak when the Vision, Values and individual Needs (for autonomy, respect, appreciation and contribution) of their people are agreed upon and met. This enables individuals to flourish within the organization to come together as a team united in a shared group identity. It can be achieved with an agreed purpose and direction based on a set of common values and behaviors. Individuals are inspired then to take personal responsibility to unleash their creative talent in harmony to meet the objectives and goals of the organization.
Duration: 2 days (12h)
Organization development
Balanced Scorecard Basics
Over the past several decades, organizations have come to realize that success cannot only be measured in dollars and cents. Intangible assets (like a company’s reputation, the knowledge base created by their employees, and training initiatives) can make up a huge portion of a company’s wealth. It only makes sense, then, that we need a new tool to help us measure this expanded definition of success. Enter the balanced scorecard! This tool and its related components will help your organization identify, document, plan, and execute a balanced strategic mission. It will also help your organization evaluate and revise its strategic execution. This one-day workshop will introduce participants to the basics of the balanced scorecard and help them determine if this powerful tool is a good fit for their organization.
Duration: 1 day (6h)
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