
12 workshops found

This category of PMC Training workshops will help you develop and refine your leadership abilities.

Gain essential skills in strategic thinking, decision-making, succession planning, team motivation, and coaching to lead effectively and inspire others.


Women’s Transformational Leadership Certificate Program
With PMC’s Women’s Transformation Leadership Certificate Program, you will be able to gain a unique perspective on leadership and personal challenges while identifying opportunities and tapping into the power of positivity. By building community and elevating our work, we become more impactful and confident in our ability to make a difference. Recognizing we have lots in common regardless of our varied backgrounds is a good way to learn how to bring our team together. Unlike other leadership programs, this program addition to learning leadership skills will also focus on the 9 types of leadership using the enneagram, one of the best tools available to understand our unique makeup is the Enneagram of Personality. Enneagram, derived from the Greek word ennéa or nine, predicates that human personalities can fall into one of nine separate personality types. Discovering your Enneagram type is a great way to recognize your personality tendencies and how they affect interaction with others. Delivered by a multi-certified Enneagram instructor, this course will bring alive the importance of understanding the 9 types of leadership styles and how to communicate with each style. Join a cohort of diverse women seeking to add value to their organization. To ensure a safe learning environment, groups are kept small.
Duration: 5 days (25h)
Leading with Influence, Not Authority
Influence is a key skill that is necessary for having impact on organizations and communities, especially when you do not have formal authority. Being a leader means sharing your ideas and taking action, regardless of your position or title. This session focuses on how participants can have a positive influence on their personal and professional communities without depending on authority or organizational hierarchy.  Instead of considering influence to be a process of “persuading others”, this session focuses on building 5 key leadership qualities that will positively impact those you work and socialize with. Participants will learn communication strategies to improve influence. This session also includes a social styles assessment to help participants learn how to leverage their strengths. Even when in a formal leadership role, influence can motivate, engage and empower others, rather than relying on giving orders or using formal ‘power’. Instead of presenting traditional approaches to influence such as ‘networking’ or ‘ being persuasive’, this session focuses on authentic leadership, building relationships,  effective communication, connecting ideas to organizational values, and being a leadership role model. Myths around influence as applying pressure, manipulation, or requiring a social media presence will be dispelled. Participants will have the opportunity to develop communication skills, craft a vision statement, and create an action plan for making an influence in their community.
Duration: 2 days (12h)
Managing and Leading with Emotional Intelligence
Leadership and management are some of the most challenging roles in work and business. Leaders strive to achieve results while effectively leveraging the skills and talents of their teams. In today’s workplace it is critical to recognize that people bring both their minds and their emotions to work and the reality is that emotions drive performance. The research is clear—leaders who have higher levels of emotional intelligence create positive work environments, generate higher levels of employee engagement, deliver higher performance, manage change better and experience less work-based stress. This course considers the impact of emotional intelligence (EQ) on leadership and organizations. It presents research that supports the business case for EQ in the workplace. Participants will be introduced to key concepts of EQ and self-evaluate their current leadership style, identifying areas of strengths and opportunities for development. Participants will build knowledge and skills related to self-awareness and self-regulation and how to be emotionally intelligent leaders. The second half of the course will focus on how to use EQ to motivate teams and implement practical strategies for organizations.
Duration: 2 days (12h)
Mindfulness and Leadership: A Program for Managers
Being a Manager/Leader is a challenging, complex, risky yet a rewarding endeavor.   Staying grounded through the daily storms of uncertain, ambiguous and emotionally draining situations can be stressful.   Being calm and collected through a typical volatile day requires a person to manage self and emotions by gaining space to put things in perspective – to keep a focus on the rational and logical – to get things done.  That is where the time-tested practice of mindfulness is important.  Centering attention in the present moment with a focus on the breath has been around for thousands of years – now being validated through neuroscience for its effectiveness on clarity of the mind, for health and well-being.  This will help manage stress levels for leaders think, feel, act, relate, perform, lead and collaborate by evolving safe and inclusive spaces for people to perform.   Many organizations are investing in mindfulness training programs for their managers and leaders to mitigate stress, gain mental clarity, and improve their decision-making and performance. This interactive workshop, facilitated by a long-term mindfulness and martial arts practitioner, will include breath-centered practice sessions that are put into context through the five virtues of great leaders.  You will learn how to practically apply mindfulness tools to have an impactful leadership style to create psychological safety within the organization for diverse people to perform as a team, make difficult decisions and inspire people to action.   The program is designed to provide the foundation for creating lasting personal change towards being a self-aware, courageous and authentic leader.
Duration: 1 day (6h)
Powerful Coaching Skills: How to Create a High Performing Team
This interactive workshop provides an opportunity to reflect on the strengths and weaknesses of your team, and discover the key ingredients of a winning team. You’ll learn how to analyze key issues of performance and behaviour, and to coach team members using a disciplined approach that builds on shared understanding and agreement on objectives. You’ll come away with a personal action plan for making your own team stronger and more productive.
Duration: 2 days (12h)
Business Leadership: Becoming Management Material
This three-day workshop is a tool for your leadership development. It is designed to help you create and accomplish your personal best, and to help you lead others to get extraordinary things done. At its core, leadership means setting goals, lighting a path, and persuading others to follow. But the responsibility entails much more. Leaders must get their message out in a way that inspires, make the most of their limited time, and build roads to precious resources. They must negotiate alliances, improve their colleagues, and align the ambitions of the many with the needs of the organization. What makes for a great leader? Is it something to do with inward characteristics, such as confidence and focus? Is it more about outward presence, including charm and compassion? Or is it about the ability to create a vision and get others to commit to it? The answer is all of the above. By accepting the challenge to lead, you come to realize that the only limits are those you place on yourself.  
Duration: 3 days (18h)
Conversational Leadership
Effective leaders understand how powerful an opportunity can be when they can tap into the intelligence, wisdom, and innovation present in their workforce. Conversational leadership provides the space and infrastructure for knowledge sharing to take place; for employees, stakeholders, and the community to be involved in discussing big, important questions; and to generate solutions that people within the organization can take action on.
Duration: 1 day (6h)
Courageous Leadership
Courage is like a muscle; the more you use it the stronger it grows. Although some may have an aptitude for it, anyone can learn to be courageous. Being courageous can take various forms, including: not shying away from uncomfortable situations, encouraging rather than stifling creativity among those around you, and a willingness to take calculated risks and decisions and stand by them. Demonstrating courage can fast track your career. It’s not always easy to be a courageous leader, but usually a leader like this will be remembered with admiration and respect. At this workshop, you’ll gain an understanding the qualities of courageous leadership, and learn how to apply and implement them – regardless of your position or role.
Duration: 0.5 day (3h)
Improving Employee Engagement through Positive Leadership
In the current work environment, most employees are dealing with a lot of uncertainty and change, with a subsequent negative impact on productivity and job satisfaction.  This two-day course will help you to recognize the importance of being a more positive model as a leader in order to have more engaged employees.
Duration: 2 days (12h)
Leadership Skills
What if you could just say the word and it was done? What if you could command with authority? What if you knew exactly how to keep the clients, the stakeholders and the team members happy? What if people looked at you expecting to be led, because you were so trustworthy and wise? Anyone will aspire to become a great leader whose vision is taken seriously and is capable of delivering results. Results are indeed the only thing that matter most for a leader and how to gain results is exactly what you will learn in this course using efficient practical exercises. “People think it must be fun to be a super genius, but they don’t realize how hard it is to put up with all the idiots in the world.” -Calvin, from Calvin and Hobbes Are you managing but not leading? Do you know how to have an impact as a leader? Do you know how to get your team to trust you and see you as a credible leader? Do you know the subtle differences between strategical and tactical team leading? This course is for people who want to become an effective leader. Leadership is different from managing. You lead people, but you manage things. Leadership is about inspiration, motivation and vision. Managing is about optimization of resources, scheduling, project management and so on. You may lead and manage at the same time, however, this course focuses on your leadership role. As a leader in the 21st century, you need to be prepared for dynamic, complex and competitive environments with a flexible approach. With a mission and a strategy you can look forward with confidence and certainty that will be picked up by your team. This two-day course will show you how to lead and inspire your team, how to assess the needs of your stakeholders, how to spot the trends, how to influence key people, how to get the most from your team by increasing their creativity and how to manage risks and exploit opportunities.
Duration: 2 days (12h)
Succession Planning
Managing the succession of talent in your workplace is a vital strategic process that minimizes gaps in leadership, ensures the continuity of corporate knowledge, and enables your people to develop the skills necessary for possible future roles. This interactive workshop will show you how to design and implement an effective and flexible succession plan that will help your organization continue to grow and achieve its business goals.
Duration: 1 day (6h)
Values and Ethics: Connecting Organizational and Individual Values in the Workplace
Values and ethics are part of our daily decisions and choices at work.  Yet, how often do we take the time to consider these in a meaningful way?  Studies show that a strong ethical workplace culture creates a high performing organization, where employees are motivated and engaged, and where leadership is clear and aligned.  With 67% of working Canadians not fully engaged in their work, this course aims to explore the connection between individual and organizational values, and employee engagement levels within the workplace. This 2-day course begins with a self-assessment into existing values, and how these might be demonstrated within the workplace.  Values will also be considered in the context of the organization as a whole, and how personal and organizational values can be aligned.  Real-life ethical dilemmas and solutions will be explored, key research results will be discussed, and tools and practical information will be provided as participants identify their own ethical boundaries, and practice how to navigate these in situations where there may be a conflict.
Duration: 2 days (12h)
For over 40 years, PMC Training has offered professional development to government, private sector, and non-profit clients, both virtually and in-person.

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