Frequently asked questions (FAQ)
Workshop selection
Workshop registration
Workshop pricing, discounts and payment
Workshop day
Other inquiries
We specialize in business skills training workshops that are generally 1-2 days in length.
Our training services are offered in the following ways:
Open enrollment/public workshops
These are instructor-led and available either virtually or in-person with other participants from various companies and industries.
These are instructor-led and available either virtually or in-person at a location of your choosing for you and participants you select. These workshops can also be customized to better fit your unique requirements.
PMC can deliver workshops at your location for a surprisingly cost-effective price. We have delivered hundreds of workshops at various locations across Canada and elsewhere.
Team Training Inquiries:
Email: [email protected]
Tel: 613-234-2020
PMC courses are highly interactive, designed to actively involve participants in the learning process. In most cases, facilitating is preferable to teaching. And it’s more fun!
How Do YOU Learn?
PMC recognizes that not everyone takes in information or learns the same way. Our courses incorporate a variety of approaches, tools and delivery mechanisms to cater to the diverse learning styles of participants.
Did you know that the majority of people access information best by visual means? The visual learner benefits most from pictures, graphs, drawings, and the printed word. About 15% of people access information best by hearing. The auditory learner benefits most from exposition, talking and discussion. Roughly 20% are kinesthetic learners, accessing information through touch and feeling. They learn well from simulations.
As per best practices in both virtual and in-person workshops, PMC courses employ demonstrations, exposés, self-assessments, questionnaires, simulations, small group exercises, role-playing, and discussions in plenary. The presentation is usually augmented by careful use of PowerPoint slides.
Every PMC course includes opportunities to apply knowledge learned. Near the end of each course, our instructors encourage participants to develop an action plan to transfer the new knowledge and skills to the work situation.
To better facilitate group interaction, participation is limited to 15 participants in most workshops.
Performance Management Consultants has an extensive network of experienced instructors it can draw upon. We also have instructors and consultants who can work in English, French, and Spanish, among other languages. View our Faculty here.
As training consultants, our specialty has always been the development of new programs utilizing the expertise of specialized trainers. Let us help you acquire the training workshop and program that suits your needs.
Email: [email protected]
Tel: 613-234-2020
There are a few different ways you can start your journey of finding the training program that fits your needs:
– Use our powerful search feature to explore our complete workshop catalogue
– Search for workshops using our calendar toolOr you can always contact us directly – we’re here to help:
Phone: 613-234-2020
Email: [email protected]
Or submit a request using the web form at the bottom of the page.
You may register in the following ways:
1) ONLINE: register online directly from the course outline page you are interested in.
2) By PHONE: call us at 613-234-2020 and we’ll be happy to assist you.
3) By EMAIL: send us an email including your workshop/registration details to [email protected].
You may register in the following ways:
1) By PHONE: call us at 613-234-2020 and we’ll be happy to assist you.
2) By EMAIL: send us an email including your workshop/registration interest to [email protected].
Once you place your order, you will receive (by email) an order confirmation notice. Your workshop order will be processed within two business days, whereby participants will receive (by email) their registration confirmation with details of your course date, time and location.
A reminder notice will also be sent by email a few days prior to the course. Simply proceed to the course location (or to your computer if it is a live online session) on the morning of the workshop and you will be directed to your classroom.
Please refer to our full cancellation policy here.
When you register online for a workshop or e-learning subscription, you can choose “Pay now by credit card” and complete your payment during the checkout process or you can choose “Pay later by invoice”.
Payment can be made by Electronic funds transfer (EFT), cheque, or credit card. For credit card payments, you are welcome to call our office to pay or email us to request a payment link.
We do offer some special programs. Contact us directly to learn more at [email protected].
Pricing can be addressed with our advisors when booking your team/group training workshop(s).
Open/Public Enrollment Workshops:
Your workshop will either be held at Ottawa’s Innovative Professional Offices classrooms (see map below), or it will be conducted live online, depending on the course you register for. Occasionally, a course may be held at another downtown location. You will be notified by email of the location or any changes prior to the course date.
Team/Group Workshops:
The location for these workshops is decided by the person organizing the training workshop. Please verify with the appropriate individual for location specifics.
Open/Public Enrollment Workshops:
For half-day (3 hour) workshops, they begin either at 9:00 am or 1:00 pm.
For full day workshops, they typically begin at 9:00 am and finish at 4:00 pm. During this time there are two 15-minute breaks and 1 hour for lunch.
Team/Group Workshops:
Typically these workshops follow the same beginning and ending times as open/public workshops. However, the timing is coordinated with the training organizer. Please verify with the appropriate individual for specifics.
** Note: It is recommended that participants join their workshop 15 minutes early in order to ensure they are ready for the start time.
For courses at Innovative Professional Offices, underground parking is available across the street at the Minto one80five building (417 Laurier Avenue West, Ottawa) for approximately $25 per day.
For in-person workshops, you should bring a pen and notepaper. Meals are not provided with tuition, so please plan accordingly. You might also wish to dress in layers, as room temperatures may vary.
Most importantly, you should bring an eagerness to learn!
Lunch is not provided in your tuition, but we do provide complimentary coffee, tea, juice and snacks upon your arrival, and during mid-morning and mid-afternoon breaks. There are several places to purchase lunch nearby, which you may bring back to the course room during the lunch hour.
PMC Training is committed to excellence in serving all customers, including people with disabilities. Please see more info here.
All course participants receive a course manual, which is yours to take with you at the end of the course. And all participants will receive an attractive Certificate of Completion at the end of the course, which is great for framing or including in your personnel file.
You will receive an attractive Certificate of Completion at the end of the workshop, which is great for framing or including in your personnel file.
Remember the 3 R’s to help you get the most from your PMC workshop.
- Done properly, learning takes effort. Expect to stretch your brain.
- Take responsibility for your own learning. Don’t wait to be ‘trained’.
- Learning is about questioning yourself, the situation, each other, your Instructor and your world. Question everything.
- Prepare yourself to learn, by deciding what you need to know. Are you looking for personal fulfillment? Professional development? Work skills? Learn purposefully.
- Look at the workshop outline and identify the areas of the course you will focus on. What matters most to you, your team, your department, your organization?
- Ask your manager and colleagues what skills and knowledge they need from the workshop. Bring it back.
- We learn best when we are having fun, when we can express ourselves, and when we are fully engaged in the process. Prepare to enjoy yourself, and leap into the learning process.
- Turn off your smart phone and other electronic devices, for your own sake and as a courtesy to others. Focus on learning.
- Be ready to recognize important pieces of information when they come your way. Develop a vision of what you need to know.
- Don’t rely solely on your instructor and workbook. Learning is about sharing knowledge with others. Learn all you can from your classmates.
- Use every spare moment to do additional networking or research. Bring back insights and questions.
- Writing and drawing in the workbook will help you learn. Make the workbook your own!
- Create personal symbols for the key ideas, points or actions that you want to remember. This will help you to identify key learnings.
Please contact us at 613-234-2020, or by email at [email protected].
Please refer to our cancellation policy here.
PMC workshops earn you Continuing Education hours based on 11 hours for a 2-day workshop, and 5.5 hours for a 1-day workshop. Each participant who completes a workshop will receive a Certificate of Completion, detailing C.E. hours earned. Please contact your Professional Association or Licensing Body for any questions related to Continuing Education credits, and for approval of this workshop towards your on-going credit requirements.
Participants at all workshops are asked to complete a workshop evaluation questionnaire. In the case of our in-house programs, a Quality Assurance survey is later completed by the client.