Financial Planning for Retirement
Planning for retirement
Meeting Your Goals Through Proper Preparation
Are you a member of the Public Service who will be reaching retirement age over the next five to ten years? This comprehensive course features an expert in pension and financial issues who will provide you with the necessary knowledge and tools to help you develop an individual retirement plan to meet your goals.
Special Offer: partners/spouses of registered participants are welcome to attend the workshop at no additional cost.
- Participant must pay the full price of the session for their own registration – no discounts applied
- Partners/spouses residing are required to attend on the same day as the registered participant
- Offer is subject to space availability
- PMC reserves the right to cancel this offer without notice
If you would like to take advantage of this offer, please email us at [email protected]
At the end of this workshop, you will be able to:
- Identify your unique pre- and post-retirement financial priorities
- Understand the retirement income options available
- Apply the planning tools that will assist you in reaching your financial goals
- Gain the knowledge and confidence required to communicate with financial and/or other institutions
- Discern the benefits and implications of earning post-retirement income
- Achieve and enjoy a rewarding retirement
Pension Information
- Everything you need to know about the Public Service Superannuation Act (PSSA), the Canada Pension Plan/ Quebec Pension Plan, and Old Age Security Program
About the Different Regimes: CPP, OAS, QPP, PSSA
- What they are
- Who is eligible
- How to apply
- What benefits are available under each regime
How Benefits are Calculated and the Impact of:
- Age
- Length of time living in Canada
- Income
- Staying home with children for a few years
- Unemployment
- Divorce or separation
- Same sex marriage and common law spouses
The Investment Management Process
- Investment objectives
- Investment asset classes
- Strategic asset allocation
- Diversification
- Investment solutions
Estate Planning and Risk Management
- Planning the will
- Death and taxes
- Powers of attorney
- Insurance options
Financial Planning
- Important elements of a financial plan
- Cash flow statement
- Net worth statement
- Setting goals
- Implementation
- Working with advisors
Retirement Planning
- How to recover if you are starting late
- The basics of RRSPs, RRIFs, TFSA and annuities
- Why it is important to have a variety of tax structures
The Canada Income Tax Act
- Overview and structure of the Income Tax Act
- Why the Act is important to you
- How to use the Income Tax Act to your advantage
- Use of RRSPs and TFSAs for employees with pensions
- Alternative savings vehicles, investment accounts, real estate and rental properties and mutual funds
- Why tax investment structures are important to your retirement planning and how to use them
- Tax planning strategies for retirement
There are no prerequisites for this course.
Anyone who is interested in having a meaningful retirement whether you are near the end of your current career or the beginning.
This workshop addresses:
- Analytical Thinking
- Creative Thinking
- Decision Making and Decisiveness
- Innovation and Initiative
- Planning and Organizing
- Problem Solving
- Relationship and Network Building
- Research, Analysis and Evaluation
- Self Confidence and Self Esteem
To learn more about core competencies, click here.
Open to all members of the public.
$ 595 plus tax
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