Providing Superior Customer Service


Sales and customer service

1 day (6h)

Mastering Communication Skills for Excellence in Client Satisfaction

Your organization’s success depends on the professionalism of its customer service people. Do you know how to deal effectively with difficult or angry customers? Can you confidently turn a negative situation into a positive one? Do you always create a good first impression? Do you build rapport effortlessly with your customers?

This workshop will help you become a model of professional behaviour and skill. You’ll develop a system for staying calm, motivated and enthusiastic regardless of pressures and problems. Learn techniques for dealing effectively with angry or difficult customers, and for being creative in dealing with challenges and the unexpected.

Standard or customized workshops for a team or workgroup from one organization.

The advantages of team sessions

  • Learn and grow together as a team
  • Location and time of your choice
  • Sessions can be customized to fit your objectives
  • Surprisingly cost effective

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Trusted by Clientele across Canada as a Top Corporate Training Company

You’re in Good Company When You Choose PMC!
Here’s a partial list of our clients:
Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada
Assembly of First Nations
Canada Border Services Agency
Assembly of Nova Scotia Mi’kmaq Chiefs (ANSMC)
Canada Revenue Agency
Canadian Food Inspection Agency
Canadian Institute for Health Information
Canadian Medical Association
Canadian Pharmacists Association
Canopy Growth Corporation
Children’s Hospital of Eastern Ontario
Department of Family Services, Nunavut
Department of National Defence
Ellis Don Corporation
Employment and Social Development Canada
Environment and Climate Change Canada
Federation of Canadian Municipalities
Government of Nunavut
Government of Yukon
Groupe International Aéro Mag 2000 inc.
Kakivak Association
Know History
Les Toitures Raymond & Assoc. Inc.
MacEwen Petroleum
MD Financial Management Inc.
Medical Council of Canada
Mohawk Council of Akwesasne
Moose Cree Education Authority
National Association of Federal Retirees
National Centre for First Nations Governance
National Judicial Institute
Native Women’s Association of Canada
Office of the Auditor General of Canada
Opiikapawaiin Services LP (OSLP)
Royal Canadian Mounted Police
Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons
R.W. Tomlinson
Service Canada
Sollio Cooperative Group
Victor Canada
Wemindji Cree Nation

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