Government and public service

10 workshops found

This category of PMC Training workshops will help you enhance your capabilities in government and public service with our specialized training workshops.

Gain essential skills in policy development, GBA+, public administration, stakeholder engagement, and effective communication to drive positive change and deliver outstanding public service.

Government and public service

Government and public service
GBA Plus: Get the Data Toolbox
These all rely on good data: policy analysis, programme design, risk assessment, and performance measurement. All these disciplines need to be sensitive to the nature of the people involved through the lens of Gender-Based Analysis-Plus (GBA Plus, formerly GBA+). Policies and programmes are often developed and evaluated without a full and wide appreciation of actual needs or impacts. An increasing schism between the political centre and the periphery points to the need for a heightened care in gathering and giving meaning to data. GBA Plus provides us with a framework within which we can undertake our inquires, research and analysis, using quantitative and especially qualitative techniques. We will start the workshop with a general framework for evidence-based decision-making and public involvement, then segue into ideas for improved critical thought. We will examine bias from various vantage points. After that, we will briefly address quantitative analysis before drilling into the core of the workshop which is qualitative research and analysis and the associated tools of interviews and surveys. When it comes to GBA Plus, we’ll look at gender, but also study the value of the + reached through intersectional or diversity analysis. In general, morning activities will be information-sharing through lecturettes and discussion; afternoon activities will feature group work related to research-, interview-, and survey-design and delivery.
Duration: 2 days (12h)
Government and public service
How Ottawa Works
This two-day workshop will provide you with an overview of the structures, processes and players of the Government of Canada – the machinery of government. It presents the current context, government plans, priorities and the relationship between government and the Public Service. You’ll also learn about the history, traditions and values that have shaped the Canadian parliamentary system.
Duration: 2 days (12h)
Government and public service
Integrated Risk Management
Risk is something we face every day. We deal with most day-to-day risk at a subconscious level; however, many risks require a little more consideration. Some risk takes us well out of our comfort zone and so we avoid it – sometimes at all costs. But risk is something that can and should be embraced; risk management is actually a very useful toolset for thought in everyday decision making and often the risk of not doing something can be greater than the risk of doing something. IRM is a systematic and holistic approach to understand, communicate and manage risk across the organization allowing more timely, appropriate and effective responses. It is about the right people having the right information to guide strategic and tactical decisions that contribute to the achievement of an organization’s overall objectives. This course is intended to provide an initial overview of integrated risk management – sometimes known as ‘joined-up thinking’ about risk. The story builds by firstly developing an understanding of risk itself and our attitudes to it, next we look at how we bring risk under our control by means of risk management, and finally we look at how we can take a more strategic view of risk and develop a consistent pan-organizational approach. All the way through, we will build the concepts into practical examples so that attendees can take away real experience of having ‘managed’ risk. While not specifically a course on the Government of Canada’s Framework for the Management of Risk, this workshop will cover many of the same principles using the same terminology. And so, this course will be eminently suitable for anyone wishing to understand and apply the Framework.
Duration: 2 days (12h)
Government and public service
Performance Measurement and Evaluation
A policy is created; a program designed and then launched. What comes next? First comes short term performance measurement which seeks to answer questions around efficiency: “How are we doing?” and “What needs improvement?” Then, after a longer period, normally five years, it is time for an evaluation to assess effectiveness, which seeks to answer “How did we do? and “Were we successful?” Over time, various levels of governments have parceled off performance measurement and evaluation to the back corner of a department, often separating it from the specific program under review. This workshop seeks to provide policy analysts and program and community managers with a set of integral tools to assess their own programs and make adjustments as the need arises. The goal is increased efficiency, effectiveness, and economy.
Duration: 2 days (12h)
Government and public service
Policy Analysis Toolbox - Part 1
This workshop will provide both policy analysts and subject-matter experts with some effective tools that will help them to formulate good public policy. Starting with perceptions of a problem, such as what might flow from a risk assessment, a minister’s office, or media reports, this workshop will help participants to apply an analytical framework and use tools with which they can formulate credible policy options. Part 1 deals with problem-solving and the first part of options-identification. Part 2 looks at assessment of options and making a recommendation. Designed and delivered by a consultant with more than 20 years of experience in policy analysis. This workshop will maximize the amount of hands-on learning through the use of case studies and group work.
Duration: 2 days (12h)
Government and public service
Policy Analysis Toolbox - Part 2
This workshop follows Policy Analysis Toolbox Part 1 and will provide both policy analysts and subject-matter experts with several tools that will help them to make smart recommendations to management. Starting with a review of problem-identification techniques, this part looks at assessing and selling of options, program planning and contingencies, and performance measurement and evaluation. Designed and delivered by a consultant with more than 20 years of experience in policy analysis. This workshop will maximize the amount of hands-on learning through the use of case studies and group work. 
Duration: 2 days (12h)
Government and public service
Developing Effective Public Policy
Public servants, whether they are policy or program analysts or managers, work in a complex evolving policy environment, consisting of multiple stakeholders with different mandates, agenda, plans and priorities. The issues they have to tackle are multidisciplinary and cut across jurisdictions. Policy development work requires a sound understanding of all these factors and their relationships. This two-day workshop provides a framework for effective public policy development, which includes: the dynamic nature of the public policy arena, the factors that influence decision makers, as well as an understanding that public policy in Canada involves a number of players who contribute to it. This workshop is different from our sister workshops, Policy Analysis ToolBox Parts I and II. Those workshops are concerned with the analysis that you would personally undertake to create a policy or program, whereas the workshop described here explains at a higher level how policies are developed.
Duration: 2 days (12h)
Government and public service
Preparing for a Parliamentary Committee
Committees are an important procedural tool of Parliament at both the Senate and the House of Commons.  A committee is a working group that is established to review bills and existing legislation, and to study and evaluate government programs and policies.  As part of these studies individuals may be invited or they can request to appear before them, or present a written brief.  This workshop will provide you with the tools to effectively present at a parliamentary committee.
Duration: 1 day (6h)
Government and public service
Réussir le test « Aptitudes à écrire en français » de la fonction publique
De nombreux ministères soumettent leurs employés à un test d’écriture avant même d’envisager leur candidature pour une promotion. Êtes-vous de ceux et celles qui devront subir ce test d’écriture en français, mais qui éprouvent de la difficulté avec la ponctuation, l’orthographe, l’emploi des majuscules et la structure logique des phrases? Aimeriez-vous trouver des réponses et des solutions à des questions de grammaire difficiles afin de vous sentir prêt lorsque vous vous présenterez au test? Dans cet atelier, l’animatrice passera en revue des notions de base de grammaire française et de vocabulaire. Grâce un enseignement dynamique, un manuel riche et détaillé et des questions types pertinentes, vous posséderez, à la fin de ce cours, les outils nécessaires à la réussite du test d’écriture, et au succès de votre carrière. Ce cours pratique et vivant vous donnera de nombreuses occasions de mettre vos connaissances en pratique afin d’améliorer vos compétences en écriture et de vous préparer au test. L’animatrice se fera un plaisir de regarder avec vous des exemples de vos productions écrites.
Duration: 1 day (6h)
Government and public service
Succeeding at the Federal Public Service Writing Skills Tests
Many government departments require their staff to have writing skills competency before being considered for promotion and advancement. Are you going to take the government Writing Skills Test (Level 3) in English, but struggle with punctuation, spelling, capitalization, sentence sequencing, and vocabulary? Do you want to understand difficult grammatical problems so you can approach the test with confidence? This workshop will introduce you to English grammar and vocabulary and prepare you for success not only on the test but also in your future career. This is a hands-on and lively course that includes many opportunities to practice and improve your writing skills. You will receive a manual designed specifically for Canadian English and leave with a practice exam that you can take and correct on your own time later.
Duration: 1 day (6h)
For over 40 years, PMC Training has offered professional development to government, private sector, and non-profit clients, both virtually and in-person.

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