Are you in the private sector or not-for profit in Ontario? If so, you can save up to 83% on your training costs! There has never been a better time than right now for your organization to invest in employee development with PMC Training.
The federal government has partnered with the province to offer the Canada Ontario Job Grant (COJG) for employment-related training. If your organization is based in Ontario, you can qualify for up to $10,000 per year, per employee, to help you offset most of your investment in professional development with PMC.
Here are just some of the typical programs we have delivered for customers under COJG:
• Supervisory and management development
• Customer service excellence
• High performing teams
• Administrative excellence
COJG Program Overview
The COJG program provides direct financial support to individual employers who wish to purchase training for their workforce. Employers choose the individuals they would like to have trained, and the training that meets their workforce development needs. The training must not exceed one year.
PMC Training is an eligible training provider under COJG and can assist employers in developing a training plan for groups consisting of less than 25 employees (for over 25 employees in a single group, the Ministry handles training delivery).
The training is delivered through cost-sharing agreements between individual employers and the government: Employers with 100 employees or fewer pay 16.67% of the total training cost, as long as they are also paying wages to the employees during the training. Larger employers pay half of direct training costs.
Program eligibility for employers
The Employer needs to:
- Be a private or non-profit organization licensed to operate in Ontario
- Contribute a minimum of half of eligible training costs in cash (or 1/6 if they are a small/medium employer with 100 employees or fewer)
- Employ the individual(s) selected for training
- The trainee must be an Ontario resident
- Be applying for training that is delivered in Ontario and is related to a job that is also located in Ontario
- Comply with the Occupational Health and Safety Act and the Employment Standards Act
- Maintain appropriate Workplace Safety and Insurance Board or private workplace safety insurance coverage
- Have adequate third-party general liability insurance as advised by its insurance broker
- Not in receipt of other government funds related to the same skills training for the same individual(s)
- You must not use training participants to displace existing staff or replace staff currently on lay-off.
Basic steps in the process
The below outlines an overview of what to expect for the application process. It is important to give yourself some time before your expected training date to ensure all the pieces fall into place.
- Employer works out training plan with PMC for an identified group or cohort of employees. Examples could include managers or supervisors, client service/sales staff, administration staff, or any other group.
- Depending on the need, training can consist of one module or a series of modules delivered at intervals over time.
- PMC and the Employer select date(s) for the delivery of training.
- The employer fills out a PDF application form for each cohort to be trained. PMC can provide assistance in completing the application and suggest the appropriate COJG funding service provider.
- The application is submitted and the employer is contacted by the COJG service provider who approves the application.
- Training commences
Application Assessment Criteria
Each application received for funding under the Canada-Ontario Job Grant is first assessed to determine eligibility. Each application must meet the eligibility requirements to be considered for funding.
Why train, why now?
An employee or manager development program provides many benefits:
- It builds collective competence and confidence
- It creates a shared language of concepts, terms and tools so that “everyone is on the same page”.
- The program can be designed to incorporate organizational priorities and objectives, and align participants with corporate values
- It signals a commitment by the organization to the development of its people and improves employee retention and recruitment.
- Funding is limited under the COJG program, and depends on demand by employers. PMC can assist in locating funding for you.
Why choose PMC as your COJG training partner?
For over 40 years, PMC has been providing business skills training to individuals in Ontario and other parts of Canada and the world. In addition:
- We have over 30 instructors and subject-matter experts with a proven ability to bring a subject to life and inspire change.
- No cookie-cutter approach – our programs are delivered by the experts who design them
- Choose from nearly 200 customizable modules in management and leadership development, project and resource management, written and oral communications, self-awareness, interpersonal skills, administrative skills and software.
- We can draw up a training plan for managers, supervisors, teams or individual employees in your organization, and guide you through the grant process.
- Incorporate leading-edge diagnostic and assessment tools as part of the program
For more information
For more comprehensive information regarding COJG, as information regarding applying for funding, please visit the following link or contact us to get the conversation started.
Contact us:
Tel: 613-234-2020
Email: [email protected]